Dr. Sean Lee
a/k/a Dr. Reis.
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Dr. Lee has an extensive history of delivering best industry practices in technology and investment communities, equipped with hands-on industry experience, business intelligence and management science for business diagnostics, process re-engineering and restructuring, strategic insights with in-depth financial, marketing and technology expertises, and global management disciplines.
He formulates a series of winning strategies, diagnostics of competitive corporate assets and business turnarounds with lean process re-engineering and data-driven business intelligence. The unique expertise has been accumulated from vast number of projects working with top-notch project members from industry-leading management consulting, real estate investment trust funds, investment banking, venture capitals, industrial design and marketing agencies, multinational law firms and tech ventures, such as Goldman Sachs, GE Capital, McKinsey, KVIC, Tsing Capital, Knobbe, Greenberg, AST Research, A-Best group and Samsung to name a few.
His management experience includes business turnaround and global expansion with multi-billion-dollar operations at Global Fortune 500 companies, such as Samsung, one of the largest consumer brands in the world, and managing the turnaround of worldwide mobile product lines at AST Research. He supervised full spectrum of business strategy, including product marketing, planning and development, industrial design, product launching and worldwide channel management, power brand marketing campaigns and assessment of new disruptive technologies for strategic alliance and mergers and acquisitions. He also has extensive experience in conducting due diligence of corporate M&As, international financing, post-merger integration, and practicing management consulting.
His experience also includes Chief Information Officer at HCRE group, $400M real estate investment trust fund, to transform the investment portfolio to the non-cyclical, stable income-producing portfolio in healthcare sector, formulating a comprehensive turnaround strategy for the board. Throughout his career, he has developed numerous strategic alliance and international joint ventures, and managed the financing and growth strategies.
He played a significant role in product innovation, to have won
He served as C-level executives and the advisory board for investment fund formation, tech ventures and startups in various industry sectors, including IT hardware and software, mobile wireless applications, big data and machine learning for business intelligence analytics, biotech for bio-probe, non-invasive 3D optical diagnostics and exotic matter bio-compounds, and clean-tech sectors to win global clean-tech award and research grant competition. Dr. Lee sits on the Advisory Board of various startups, nonprofits and academic institutions, including New York Institute of Technology’s Center for International Business Studies, and serves as a mentor to MBA program at Crowell School of Business of Biola University and lectures at UCLA.